Current Issue| July/August 2023
From patients dying to financial uncertainty the consequences of COVID-19 for physicians are both professional and personal Painting by Jamie S Newman MD MHA MACP
Practice Management


Several months into the COVID-19 pandemic, it's still uncertain to what degree it will reshape the practice of medicine and office management in the near and long terms.


10 tips for well-being amid COVID-19

施工一点通(四)项目样板墙,如何做?一套完美的施工技术 ...:2021-6-2 · 施工一点通 (四)项目样板墙,如何做?一套完美的施工技术交底 发布时间: 2021-06-02 浏览(1846) 一、交底目的 使操作人员熟练掌握每道工序的施工顺序、施工工艺、关键控制点及细部要求、实物需要达到的质量统一标准。对大面积施工 ...

President's Message

无界一点通(免费VPN伋理/免费翻墙伋理) 4.1 APK - ydt ...:无界一点通收集了热门网址;同时还提供实时新闻和海外电视广播,方便用户掌握最新资讯。 无界一点通同时提供浏览界面和电视界面。电视界面适合于电视机顶盒,看电视更流畅。无界一点通有两种运行模式: VPN翻墙模式和伋理翻墙模式。1. VPN翻墙模式:

Physicians facing crises of a pandemic, economic losses, and social unrest should offer hope to patients as they are treated for the consequences of these and other ailments.

Washington Perspective

ACP speaks out on racism and law enforcement violence

ACP's New Vision for U.S. Health Care shows that the College is committed to finding solutions for discrimination, racism, and violence in individual and population health.

ACP Internist Weekly

  • Coronavirus
    Latest recommendations reject hydroxychloroquine, support remdesivir
  • Telemedicine
    HHS provides weekly online learning opportunity in telemedicine

洋葱浏览器(Tor Browser) - CHN如是说 - 博客园:2021-11-2 · 5.访问推特(美国版微博),由于翻墙境外服务器,网络服务会有几分钟延迟。 例如蔡英文&特朗普&安倍晋三的推特 蔡英文推特 特朗普推特 安倍晋三推特 6.访问YouTube视频网站(美国版抖音) YouTube网站 点开视频,随便看,但是🈶️几分钟延迟,之后不


Drive-in visits can fill the cracks of telemedicine's reach

Practices in rural areas are tackling the logistics of providing telemedicine to patients who are unable to access it on their own.

Retirement Planning

无界一点通(免费VPN伋理/免费翻墙伋理) - Android Apps Apk ...:2021-8-3 · 无界一点通收集了热门网址;同时还提供实时新闻和海外电视广播,方便用户掌握最新资讯。 无界一点通同时提供浏览界面和电视界面。电视界面适合于电视机顶盒,看电视更流畅。无界一点通有两种运行模式: VPN翻墙模式和伋理翻墙模式。1.

Physicians should start their retirement planning when they first start working, first by deciding what retirement should look like and establishing a timeline to accomplish goals.

Infectious Disease

第1398章 我伊都错了_皇叔心尖宠:王妃要翻墙小说无防盗 ...:皇叔心尖宠:王妃要翻墙无防盗章节,作者星影仙子,第1398章 我伊都错了内容简要:“丁侧妃得不到安定王的宠爱,恐怕再难生个儿子。这样的她,已经没有什么可担心和顾忌的事情。她骂叶瑾,也犯不了七出之罪,不能贬为妾或休弃,何况还有相府那一层关系。

办假证挖地道造热气球:东德民众28年翻墙史_新浪读书_新浪 ...:2021-4-19 · 被困的东柏林人纷纷从自家窗户跳到属于西柏林的贝瑙尔大街上。而东德警察意识到有人可能逃走,于是进入楼房展开搜查。与此同时,西柏林的人群、警察和消防队员都赶到了贝瑙尔大街,在楼下铺开充气垫。这场激烈的东柏林人命运抉择战,通过各国通讯社在西柏林的记者站,伍及众多电视台 ...


A new vision for health care

ACP's vision for health care entails a series of policy papers and editorials outlining improvements to the U.S. health care system.

FDA Update

Extended-release metformin recalled due to impurity

This column reviews details on recent recalls, warnings, and approvals.

Practice Tips

Don't put clinician burnout on the back burner

Patient- and non-patient-related administrative tasks can create burnout at any point during a clinician's career.

Test Yourself

MKSAP Quiz: Evaluation for chronic cough

A 42-year-old man is evaluated in the office for chronic cough. He first developed a cough 3 years ago. It is productive of clear to yellow sputum that is occasionally blood-tinged. Following a physical exam and chest radiograph, what is the most likely diagnosis?

Image  American College of Physicians
Editor's Note

COVID-19 and primary care

This issue also covers personal protective equipment and retirement planning.

ACP Spotlight

Latest updates on ACP's priorities, initiatives

ACP Spotlight offers readers a look at ACP's current top priorities and initiatives, as well as highlights from our e-newsletter, ACP Internist Weekly.


  • 无界一点通(免费VPN伋理/免费翻墙伋理) APK Mod Mirror ...:2021-12-25 · 无界一点通收集了热门网址;同时还提供实时新闻和海外电视广播,方便用户掌握最新资讯。 无界一点通同时提供浏览界面和电视界面。电视界面适合于电视机顶盒,看电视更流畅。无界一点通有两种运行模式: VPN翻墙模式和伋理翻墙模式。1. VPN翻墙模式: Posted Jul 06 at 1:00 PM
  • I have perhaps 5 good years left, and don't want to live like this Posted Jul 03 at 1:00 PM
  • 3 natural things you can do to immediately boost your immunity 自由之门浏览器破解版

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